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Nach der COP 22 in Marrakesch möchten wir mit Ihnen die von dort ausgehenden klimapolitischen Signale deuten und einordnen. Welche Fortschritte bei zentralen Themen und Prozessen gab es? Reicht die Dynamik aus, um das vereinbarte Ziel der Begrenzung der Erderwärmung auf unter 2° zu erreichen?...
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This international conference will bring together energy experts engaged in academic, business, government, international organizations for an exchange of ideas and experiences on the present and future landscape of energy security. The concept of energy security is undergoing a rapid...
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Das Thema der Jahres- und zugleich Jubiläumstagung der Sektion Biographieforschung 2016 – ‚Bildung und soziale Ungleichheiten’ – greift eine komplexe gesellschaftliche Problemlage auf, die in der Geschichte der Sektion Tradition hat, aber auch hochaktuell ist. Ungleichheitsforschung hat...
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Mit den aktuellen energiepolitischen Entscheidungen wie dem novellierten Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz werden neue Regelungen diskutiert und beschlossen, die die dezentrale Stromerzeugung erschweren: In eigenen Anlagen selbst erzeugten Strom direkt zu verbrauchen, ist teilweise schlechter gestellt...
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Topic “Digital Solutions for Industrial Energy Efficiency”.
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The conference programme will focus on three main issues: 1. “Big picture” anticipation of the future education / skills needed to accelerate sustainability thinking and practice in companies and other organisations; 2. Corporate insights around new models of leadership and talent...
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Topics: U.S. Oil and Gas Exports; Energy Demand and Economic Growth; Energy Research and Development; Non-fossil Fuel Energy: Renewables & Nuclear; Energy Efficiency and Storage; Financial Markets and Energy Markets; Political Economy; OPEC’s Role in a Changing Energy World; Energy Supply and...
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The field of competence studies has grown exponentially. It has gained wide interest in all sectors of education, in various types of organizations, in research and in consultancy. Competence-based education, training and development, competence management and core-competence strategy have been...
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The objective of the Seventh International Forum on Energy for Sustainable Development is to explore how to deliver on the national commitments, such as the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs, which would then become NDCs) in support of achieving the climate change mitigation...
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The purpose of the conference is to bring together the members of the CESifo Research Network to present and discuss their ongoing research, and to stimulate interaction and co-operation between them. All CESifo research network members are invited to submit their papers, which may deal with any...
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