Showing 1 - 10 of 29
The conference will focus on on the policies and politics of austerity and on the various aspects of the Greek crisis. Papers dealing with similar experiences in other countries that may bring light on the effects of austerity policies in Greece will also be considered. The conference will be...
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The conference will focus on how key differences in the fundamentals between the U.S. and the EU – in particular, the degree of coordination among the union member states and the aging of the population – contribute a great deal to our understanding of observed policy differences between...
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Empirical Methods in Money Macro - Maik Wolters (Kiel Institute for the World Economy) This course deals with the analysis of dynamic, stochastic, general equilibrium models. The focus of this course is on methodological aspects related to the analysis of business cycle models. In particular we...
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The conference is intended to discuss ongoing research on survey and micro data and its role and usage in macroeconomics. Papers, theoretical, empirical and policy oriented, are actively solicited on issues like (the list below is not exhaustive): methodology of business surveys; uncertainty...
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Der zweitägige Workshop soll ein Forum für aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse aus dem Bereich der Makroökonomik und Konjunkturforschung bieten und gleichzeitig zur besseren Vernetzung von Nachwuchswissenschaftlern beitragen.
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Das deutsche Rentensystem gleicht seit vielen Jahren einer Baustelle. Der demografische Wandel stellt das umlagefinanzierte Konzept in Frage, die private Vorsorge kommt bei vielen Bevölkerungsgruppen nicht so richtig in Fahrt; die Beitragshöhe soll möglichst stabil bleiben, soziale Fragen...
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Trotz der positiven Arbeitsmarktentwicklung der vergangenen Jahre hat die Zahl der Langzeitarbeitslosen in Deutschland kaum abgenommen. Die Mehrzahl von ihnen erhält Leistungen aus der Grundsicherung für Arbeitsuchende. Auch wenn die Grundsicherung die (Re-)Integration in den Arbeitsmarkt bzw....
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The conference is linked to the Ph.D. program on “Public economics and inequality,” which is arranged by the Hans-Böckler Foundation in collaboration with the Free University Berlin. The financial crisis of 2007/8 was followed by the first contraction in the global economy since World War...
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This interdisciplinary workshop aims at exploring the current crisis in Europe from a conflict-theoretic perspective in order to gain a deeper understanding of political, social and economic conflicts and their dynamics within and between EU member states. We invite social scientists from...
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Trade and the International Organization of Production - Esteban Rossi-Hansberg (Princeton University) 1. Trade, Firm Structure, Offshoring and Outsourcing 1.1. Firm Organization and Trade 1.2. Multinationals 1.3. Vertical Specialization 1.4. Task Trade, Offshoring and Outsorcing
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