Showing 61 - 70 of 513
This conference focuses on recent relevant academic research in the field of reward management. We seek submissions on topics related to the theme, but also other reward issues at all levels of analysis: theoretical, empirical, and case approaches are welcomed. The conference also serves as a...
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Topics: - Job flows, the Beveridge curve and mismatch - Adjustment to new technologies and globalisation - Demographics: aging, female participation and migration - Wage adjustments - Resilience to shocks.
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The workshop ‘Comparative Analysis of Longitudinal Data on Educational Outcomes’ aims to describe and discuss educational transitions and outcomes in Europe across the life course. To evaluate educational outcomes in different educational systems, this workshop focuses on the use of various...
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The workshop will focus on the causes and effects of heterogeneity among workers, households, or firms on macroeconomic outcomes. This includes but is not limited to research on wage dispersion, heterogeneity in unemployment and participation, the roles of firms and technologies in shaping...
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The purpose of the conference is to bring together researchers from a broad range of economic disciplines to present and discuss ongoing research leveraging data sets made possible through the digitization of economic activity. The conference will have a focus on work at the intersection of...
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Mit der eintägigen Fachtagung soll eine differenzierte Auseinandersetzung unter folgenden Fragen erfolgen: - Welchen Einfluss haben die aktuellen raumrelevanten Trends auf die Ungleichheit in Deutschland? - Bedarf es einer Änderung bestehender Förderpolitiken in Richtung einer stärkeren...
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The ZEW Network on Real Estate Markets and Capital Markets (ReCapNet) focuses on the interactions between real estate markets and capital markets. The main theme of the conference will be “Real Estate Asset Pricing”. We solicit papers on these and related areas at the intersections of real...
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Mutig machen, Anpacken, Courage, gegenseitige Ermutigung. All das steckt im Motto des Deutschen Logistik-Kongresses 2019 in Berlin. Experten diskutieren ihre praxisrelevanten Themen aus Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft. Unter dem Leitgedanken „vom Anwender für den Anwender“ laden wir Sie ein,...
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This 2nd Research Workshop will address: Part 1: Governance and Management of digital organisation and digital business; Part 2: Governance and Management of artificial inelligence; Part 3 : Governance and Management of cyber security; Part 4: Governance and Management of information &...
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Die Digitalisierung der Immobilienwirtschaft nimmt weiter Fahrt auf und steht, gemessen an dem, was technologisch möglich erscheint, doch erst am Anfang. In nahezu allen Bereichen eröffnet die Digitalisierung neue Möglichkeiten für die Immobi-lienbranche, die es nachhaltig auszuloten gilt....
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