Showing 1 - 10 of 10
We invite submission of papers related to labor migration, internal migration and urbanization, spatial distribution of jobs, regional and rural-urban wage disparity, economic integration and labor market, trade and labor market, and education. The main purpose of this symposium is to stimulate...
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The thematic scope of the symposium encompasses a forward looking assessment of emerging theoretical, methodological, and practical issues likely to confront the area of consumer behavior in tourism and hospitality in the near and long term. Scholars and practitioners are invited to submit...
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Vorträge: - „Marktstruktur und Preisbildung auf den Märkten für Rohmilch in Mittel- und Osteuropa“ Dr. Oleksandr Perekhozhuk, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am IAMO - „Kooperationsmechanismen in der ukrainischen Milchwirtschaft“ Maryna Mykhaylenko, Doktorandin am IAMO - „Milchsektor...
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Piraterie, also die Verletzung von Urheberrechten bei Musik, Bildern, Filmen, Spielen etc., ist die „Wurzel allen Übels“. So oder ähnlich lässt es sich aus dem Munde der Branchenvertreter vernehmen. Aber ob auftretende Umsatzrückgänge in den einzelnen Informationsbranchen immer nur auf...
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Die Immobilienmärkte haben in den vergangenen zwei Jahren unter den Auswirkungen der Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise gelitten. Auch wenn sich die Lage langsam entspannt und fallende Anfangsrenditen eine Erholung der Märkte ankündigen, so haben doch sinkende Mieten, steigende Leerstände...
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Paper proposals are invited in any area of labour economics.
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The professional objectives of organizing this meeting are similar to those of the previous symposia: to provide a forum for an international exchange of ideas on various aspects of inventories. Papers on macro- and microeconomics, econometrics, economic policy, business, management and...
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The symposium organizers invite participation from an international scientific audience in the fields of agricultural economics, agricultural policy, land use economics and other relevant fields. [gemäß den Informationen des Anbieters - according to site editor's information] The website is...
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The International Symposium on Forecasting (ISF) is the premier forecasting conference, attracting the world's leading forecasting researchers, practitioners, and students. Through a combination of keynote speaker presentations, academic sessions, workshops, and social programs, the ISF provides...
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This international symposium aims to bring together scholars studying standards, their new content and their new roles, across the substantive areas of: the financial sector (including accountancy), the environment (including climate-related standards), labour, industrial and organizational...
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