Showing 1 - 10 of 13
The world is facing a variety of severe challenges that are in tension with one another. On the one hand, there is a perceived necessity for an investment offensive bring about decarbonisation. As the paradigm of the night-watchman state is (slowly) disappearing, governments around the globe are...
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The conference will focus on the new global challenges for international fiscal and monetary policy. Just three years after the recent pandemic, policy makers are confronted with a new set of global challenges. These include increasing geoeconomic fragmentation, regional conflicts and climate...
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TOPICS We solicit theoretical and empirical papers on the interactions between sovereign bond markets and conventional and unconventional monetary policy, regulation, fiscal policy, foreign exchange, and the macroeconomy in inflationary times. Topics of interest include (but are not limited...
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Topics: - The role of central bank communication in the conduct of monetary policy and in ensuring financial stability. Is the role of communication in maintaining price stability and financial stability different? What should be communicated with respect to financial stability? How should...
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The objective of the conference is to present state-of-the-art empirical research and empirically motivated theoretical research on household asset accumulation, debt, and consumption behaviour over the life cycle. The focus of the conference is on research that makes extensive use of household...
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Auf der Tagung wird der aktuelle Stand der Debatte zur tariflichen Unterbietungskonkurrenz zusammengefasst und auch die deutsche Rechtsprechung unter Bezugnahme auf Art. 2 des ILO-Übereinkommens 87 kritisch hinterfragt. Es wird thematisiert, ob Deutschland seinen mit Ratifikation des...
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Topics: - Financial liberalisation and the finance-growth nexus; - Financial linkages and propagation channels of shocks; - Asset price co-movements, bubbles and contagion phenomena; - Financial stability implications of international financial integration and global imbalances; - Global policy...
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Öffentliche Dienstleistungen werden von Menschen in Bundes-, Landes- und Kommunalverwaltungen erbracht. Doch ist unsere föderale Struktur den Aufgaben noch gewachsen? Die Beantwortung dieser Frage wird ein zentrales Thema des Potsdamer Forums für Führungskräfte im öffentlichen Dienst 2010...
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After eight years of service as Vice-President of the European Central Bank, the mandate of Lucas Papademos will end on 31 May 2010. In order to honour his career both as a distinguished academic and as an eminent central banker, the ECB will host a two-day colloquium entitled “The great...
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Viele Binnenhäfen stellen wichtige innerstädtische Flächenreserven für gewerbliche Nutzungen dar, die logistisch erprobt und zugleich "robust" gegenüber den mit diesen Nutzungen verbundenen Belastungen sind. Zudem sichern diese logistischen Standorte die Abwicklung umweltfreundlicher...
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