Showing 1 - 10 of 32
Berufliche Orientierung, d. h. Berufsorientierung und Studienorientierung, gilt als eine zentrale Voraussetzung für die Berufs- und Studienwahl und einen gelingenden Übergang Schule – Beruf, gerade in Zeiten eines steigenden Fachkräftebedarfs. Im Laufe ihres Berufsorientierungsprozesses...
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Der ifo Branchen-Dialog ist eine Plattform für aktuelle Themen aus branchenspezifischer Perspektive. Expert*innen aus Unternehmen, Verbänden, Politik und Forschung erläutern aktuelle Entwicklungen, Trends und Herausforderungen. Im Rahmen der diesjährigen Veranstaltung fragen wir, wie die...
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Economists typically make simplifying assumptions to make the solution and estimation of their highly complex models feasible. These simplifications include approximating the true nonlinear dynamics of the model, disregarding aggregate uncertainty or assuming that all agents are identical. While...
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The panel will discuss the implications of the future of labor on inequality. How is the future of labor affected by long-term trends, such as demographic change, digitalization and the climate crisis? What is the effect of the war in Ukraine and the new geopolitical situation? How will these...
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We document that the dominant component of overall and residual wage inequality is within plant-occupations and, combining within-occupation task information from labor force surveys with linked plant-worker data for Germany, establish three interrelated facts: (1) larger plants and exporters...
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We propose a simple explanation for the long-run decline in the startup rate. It was caused by a slowdown in labor supply growth since the late 1970s, largely pre-determined by demographics. This channel explains roughly two-thirds of the decline and why incumbent firm survival and average...
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We use comprehensive micro data in the French manufacturing sector between 1995 and 2017 to document the effects of automation technologies on employment, sales, prices, wages, and the labor share. Causal effects are estimated with event studies and a shift-share IV design...
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Am 29.09.2022 hat die Projektgruppe Gemeinschaftsdiagnose der führenden deutschen Wirtschaftsforschungsinstitute ihr Herbstgutachten über die Entwicklung der Weltwirtschaft und der deutschen Wirtschaft vorgelegt. Mit dem Titel „Energiekrise: Inflation, Rezession, Wohlstandsverlust“...
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Topics include the main areas of modern finance, such as corporate finance, asset pricing, derivatives, market microstructure, international finance and financial intermediation.
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If sectoral trade flows obey structural gravity, countries’ bilateral trade imbalances are the result of macro trade imbalances, “triangular trade”, or pairwise asymmetric trade barriers. Using data for 40 major economies and the Rest of the World, we show that large and pervasive...
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