Actuarial fairness and solidarity in pooled annuity funds
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Donnelly, Catherine W. |
Published in: |
Astin bulletin : the journal of the International Actuarial Association. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, ISSN 0515-0361, ZDB-ID 419201-1. - Vol. 45.2015, 1, p. 49-74
Subject: | Pensions | group self-annuitization | annuity overlay | mutual risk-sharing | mortality risk | Sterblichkeit | Mortality | Pensionskasse | Pension fund | Lebensversicherung | Life insurance | Private Altersvorsorge | Private retirement provision | Altersvorsorge | Retirement provision | Risiko | Risk | Theorie | Theory | Versicherungsmathematik | Actuarial mathematics | Investmentfonds | Investment Fund | Gerechtigkeit | Justice | Leibrente | Life annuity | Risikomodell | Risk model |
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