- 1 Introduction
- 2 Setup
- 3 Hedgeable filtration, hedgeable claims and the size of unhedgeableidiosyncratic risk
- 4 Market consistent pricing of insurance liabilities
- 5 The problem of individual optimal asset-insurance allocation
- 6 The law of large numbers and CRRA utilities
- 7 Optimal asset-insurance allocation for small idiosyncratic risk
- 8 Equilibria for weak uncertainty. Expansion in the size of uncer-tainty
- 9 Heterogeneous classes
- 10 Conditionally independent idiosyncratic shocks
- 11 Calibration with i.i.d. loadings and Markov endowment
- 12 Conclusions
- Appendices:
- A The derivatives of the optimal consumption and claims streams
- B Expansion of the optimal consumption stream for small uncer-tainty
- C Expansion of the SDF for geometric random walks
- References
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