Bridging the gender divide : an experimental analysis of group formation in African villages
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Barr, Abigail ; Dekker, Marleen ; Fafchamps, Marcel |
Published in: |
World development : the multi-disciplinary international journal devoted to the study and promotion of world development. - Amsterdam : Elsevier Science, ISSN 0305-750X, ZDB-ID 185339-9. - Vol. 40.2012, 10, p. 2063-2077
Subject: | Kollektives Handeln | Collective action | Experiment | Ländlicher Raum | Rural area | Gleichberechtigung | Gender equality | Subsahara-Afrika | Sub-Saharan Africa | Geschlecht | Gender |
Bridging the gender divide : an experimental analysis of group formation in African villages
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Bridging the gender divide : an experimental analysis of group formation in African villages
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Bridging the gender divide: an experimental analysis of group formation in African villages
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