Choice of copulas in explaining stock market contagion
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Lim, Kian-Guan |
Published in: |
Uncertainty analysis in econometrics with applications : [This volume contains papers presented at TES 2013 - The Sixth International Conference of the Thailand Econometric Society, which is held in Chiang Mai, Thailand, during January 10th - 11th, 2013 ...]. - Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, ISBN 3-642-35442-4. - 2013, p. 129-140
Subject: | Börsenkurs | Share price | Ansteckungseffekt | Contagion effect | Multivariate Verteilung | Multivariate distribution | Preiskonvergenz | Price convergence | Aktienmarkt | Stock market | Schätzung | Estimation | USA | United States | Großbritannien | United Kingdom | Japan | 1990-2012 |
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