Competing trade agendas in the Arab-Israeli peace process : a case studies approach
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Wright, Jerry W. |
Published in: |
The political economy of Middle East peace : the impact of competing trade agendas. - London [u.a.] : Routledge, ISBN 0-415-18395-2. - 1999, p. 40-70
Subject: | Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen | International economic relations | Israel | Mittlerer Osten | Middle East | Arabische Staaten | Arab countries | Palästina | Palestine |
Palestine: a search for truth : approaches to the Arab-Israeli conflict
Taylor, Alan R., (1970)
[Rezension von: Fischer, Stanley, ..., The economics of Middle East peace]
Graves, Ronald L., (1994)
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Wright, Jerry W., (2000)
Wright, Jerry W., (2000)
The political economy of Middle East peace : the impact of competing trade agendas
Wright, Jerry W., (1999)
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