Dynamic scheduling of home care patients to medical providers
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Cire, Andre A. ; Diamant, Adam |
Published in: |
Production and operations management : the flagship research journal of the Production and Operations Management Society. - London : Sage Publications, ISSN 1937-5956, ZDB-ID 2151364-8. - Vol. 31.2022, 11, p. 4038-4056
Subject: | approximate dynamic programming | fluid approximations | healthcare operations | home care scheduling and routing | Markov decision processes | Scheduling-Verfahren | Scheduling problem | Gesundheitsversorgung | Health care | Patienten | Patients | Häusliche Pflege | Domestic care | Krankenhaus | Hospital | Dynamische Optimierung | Dynamic programming | Markov-Kette | Markov chain | Tourenplanung | Vehicle routing problem | Theorie | Theory |
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