Education, Science and Technology in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Statistical Compendium of Indicators Title: Educación, ciencia y tecnología en América Latina y el Caribe: Un compendio estadístico de indicadores
This publication represents a first step in positioning the Inter-American Development Bank as a focal point of information on knowledge-related activities in its borrowing member countries. It presents in a consolidated way a set of available and internationally comparable indicators that map the performance of Latin America and the Caribbean countries in the three most important areas of the emerging knowledge economy: education, science and technology (S&T), and information and communication technology (ICT) and benchmarks this performance against that of other advanced and developing countries.Abstract: Este material representa una compilación de los indicadores de rendimiento educativo más importantes disponibles para América Latina y el Caribe. Cubre lo esencial de aspectos clave que generalmente son considerados relevantes para el análisis y toma de decisiones en políticas de educación: acceso, equidad, calidad, eficiencia y conexiones entre la educación, los mercados laborales y la economía.