Ensuring financial stability: Financial structure and the impact of monetary policy on asset prices
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Assenmacher-Wesche, Katrin ; Gerlach, Stefan |
Publisher: |
Frankfurt a. M. : Goethe University Frankfurt, Institute for Monetary and Financial Stability (IMFS) |
Subject: | asset prices | monetary policy | panel VAR |
Series: | |
Type of publication: | Book / Working Paper |
Type of publication (narrower categories): | Working Paper |
Language: | English |
Other identifiers: | 791370259 [GVK] hdl:10419/97761 [Handle] RePEc:zbw:imfswp:16 [RePEc] |
Classification: | C23 - Models with Panel Data ; E52 - Monetary Policy (Targets, Instruments, and Effects) |
Source: |
Monetary policy, asset prices and macroeconomic conditions : a panel-VAR study
Assenmacher-Wesche, Katrin, (2008)
Ensuring financial stability : financial structure and the impact of monetary policy on asset prices
Assenmacher-Wesche, Katrin, (2008)
Financial structure and the impact of monetary policy on asset prices
Gerlach, Stefan, (2008)
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Financial structure and the impact of monetary policy on asset prices
Gerlach, Stefan, (2008)
The term structure of interest rates across frequencies
Assenmacher-Wesche, Katrin, (2008)
Monetary factors and inflation in Japan
Assenmacher-Wesche, Katrin, (2007)
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