Envelhecimento da população brasileira : uma contribuição demográfica
Ana Amélia Camarano
This paper gives a demographic approach to the matter of the Brazilian demographic ageing. It discusses the relationship between ageing and dependence. It also tries to evaluate if to be elderly today, 1998, it is different of being elderly in the recent paste, 1981. The data utilized are from the Brazilian General Household Survey (PNAD) of 1991 and 1998. The expectancy of life of the Brazilian elderly increased, the proportion of elderly experiencing some kind of disability diminished and there are more elderly heading their families and less living with their relatives. They are less poor. These results make it difficult to think of a straight relationship between ageing and dependence. This is a very complex process. Income derived from Social Security benefits played a very important role on elderly income. This importance is increasing with age. It is concluded that in somehow, elderly dependence is determined by income derived from the State. As an important share of familial income depends on elderly income, when the value of social benefits change, this change an important portion of familial income. In 1998, at least one elderly was found in 26% of Brazilian families.