Inadimplência do Setor Bancário Brasileiro: uma avaliação de suas medidas
One of the main variables observed in the performance evaluation of banking credit is the index that measures the default rate. Different approaches are used, or were proposed, to perform the calculation of this index. However, the difficulty of defining default leads to the creation of different measures which sometimes fail to measure the stricto sense default. This paper aims to describe and analyze, using the Credit Information System of Central Bank of Brazil (SCR), among other sources, the behavior of three major default rates found in literature. The difference in the behavior of each index is observed using a system that seeks to simulate a portfolio of personal loans and using statistical techniques for analyzing time series of real data. The conclusion is that the most appropriate indicator to measure the default, in the stricto sense, is obtained based on the number of delayed operations.
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Annibal, Clodoaldo Aparecido |
Institutions: | Central Bank of Brazil, Research Department |
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