Type of publication: Book / Working Paper
Portions of this research were undertaken while Gollin was on leave at the Economic Growth Center, Yale University, and at the Centre for Study of African Economies, Oxford University. Gollin gratefully acknowledges support and facilities at both institutions. Hoyt Bleakley has kindly shared information and preliminary results. We have also benefited from the comments of Ben Bridgman, Steve Meardon, Lara Shore-Sheppard, Gustavo Ventura, David Weil, and seminar and conference participants at the Arizona State University Conference on Economic Development; the Society for Economic Dynamics 2005 meetings in Budapest; the University of Essex; Rutgers University; the University of Delaware; University of Connecticut; University of Houston; Wesleyan University; LAMES 2006 in Mexico City; the Northeast Universities Development Conference 2005 at Brown University; and the Harvard Center for International Development.s May 2007 conference on Health Improvements for Economic Growth. The price is Free Number 2007-30 33 pages
Classification: I1 - Health ; O11 - Macroeconomic Analyses of Economic Development ; E13 - Neoclassical ; E21 - Consumption; Saving
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