Potential spillover effects of China's Belt and Road Initiative on Chinese tourism to Australia : a marketing perspective
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Guo, Xiumei ; Volgger, Michael ; Huang, Songshan ; Xu, Li |
Published in: |
China and the new silk road : challenges and impacts on the regional and local level. - Cham, Switzerland : Springer, ISBN 3-030-43398-6. - 2020, p. 197-209
Subject: | China | Australien | Australia | Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen | International economic relations | Spillover-Effekt | Spillover effect | Tourismus | Tourism | Infrastrukturinvestition | Infrastructure investment | Neue Seidenstraße | New silk road | Wirkungsanalyse | Impact assessment | Auslandsinvestition | Foreign investment |
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