Reform Der Steuerlichen Gewinnermittlung Durch ÜBergang Zur Einnahmen-ÜBerschuss-Rechnung - Wer Gewinnt Wer Verliert? (Economic Effects of Changing the German Tax Accounting Rules to the Income Surplus Calculation)
Since 2005, European companies have to draw up their consolidated financial statements in accordance with the international accounting standards IAS/IFRS. Due to the German authoritative principle, this might also affect tax accounts. Therefore, several scenarios concerning the development of the tax base in Germany are discussed. One of those addresses the income surplus calculation, the so-called Einnahmen-Uuml;berschuss-Rechnungquot;, where the tax base is calculated close to cash basis accounting. This paper analyzes the economic effects of this change in tax accounting rules. The analysis is based on a business model simulation applying empirical data from different industries. Stochastic enterprize developments are illustrated using a Monte Carlo simulation. The model shows, that the income surplus calculation leads to substantial shifts of the tax burden in virtually all industries. If companies benefit from the changes of tax accounting rules depends on their legal structure and their sector