Semi-efficient valuations and put-call parity
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Herdegen, Martin ; Schweizer, Martin |
Published in: |
Mathematical finance : an international journal of mathematics, statistics and financial economics. - Oxford [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell, ISSN 1467-9965, ZDB-ID 1481288-5. - Vol. 28.2018, 4, p. 1061-1106
Subject: | absence of arbitrage | completeness | consistent valuation | efficiency | incomplete markets | maximal strategies | NFLVR | NUPBR | option valuation | put-call parity | risk-neutral valuation | semi-efficient markets | viability | Optionspreistheorie | Option pricing theory | Unvollkommener Markt | Incomplete market | Derivat | Derivative | Unternehmensbewertung | Firm valuation | Arbitrage | Effizienzmarkthypothese | Efficient market hypothesis | Optionsgeschäft | Option trading |
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