The effects of lottery prizes on winners and their neighbors : evidence from the Dutch postcode lottery
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Kuhn, Peter Joseph ; Kooreman, Peter ; Soetevent, Adriaan ; Kapteyn, Arie |
Published in: |
The American economic review. - Nashville, Tenn. : American Economic Assoc., ISSN 0002-8282, ZDB-ID 203590-X. - Vol. 101.2011, 5, p. 2226-2247
Subject: | Glücksspiel | Gambling | Nachbarschaft | Neighbourhood | Konsumentenverhalten | Consumer behaviour | Feldforschung | Field research | Niederlande | Netherlands |
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The Own and Social Effects of an Unexpected Income Shock: Evidence from the Dutch Postcode Lottery
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The Own and Social Effects of an Unexpected Income Shock: Evidence from the Dutch Postcode Lottery
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