The impact of tax revenue on economic growth of Nepal
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Bajgain, Kushal Sharma ; Bista, Nar Bahadur |
Published in: |
Nepalese journal of finance : a publication of Uniglobe College. - Kathmandu, Nepal : Uniglobe College, ISSN 2392-4144, ZDB-ID 2982408-4. - Vol. 10.2023, 3, p. 110-122
Subject: | Gross domestic product | per capita income | tax revenue | inflation | government expenditure | foreign direct investment | foreign aid | Steuereinnahmen | Tax revenue | Wirtschaftswachstum | Economic growth | Auslandsinvestition | Foreign investment | Nepal | Nationaleinkommen | National income | Entwicklungshilfe | Development aid | Entwicklungsländer | Developing countries |
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