The valuation of catastrophe bonds with exposure to currency exchange risk
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Authors: | Lai, Van Son ; Parcollet, Mathieu ; Lamond, Bernard F. |
Published in: |
International review of financial analysis. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, ISSN 1057-5219, ZDB-ID 1133622-5. - Vol. 33.2014, p. 243-252
Subject: | CAT bond valuation | Catastrophic and currency exchange risk | Jump-diffusion process | 3D Brownian motion | Importance sampling | Brownian bridge | Stochastischer Prozess | Stochastic process | Risikomodell | Risk model | Katastrophe | Disaster | Währungsrisiko | Exchange rate risk | Anleihe | Bond | Risiko | Risk | Optionspreistheorie | Option pricing theory | Portfolio-Management | Portfolio selection | CAPM | Risikoprämie | Risk premium |
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