Vybor ėffektivnoj strategii razvitija gorno-metallurgičeskogo predprijatija v novych uslovijach chozjajstvovanija : modelirovanie, imitacija, prinjatie rešenij, ochrana okružajuščej sredy
Alternative title: | Selection of effective strategy of the development of mining- metallurgical enterprise under the new conditions of management Selection of effective strategy of the development of mining- metallurgical enterprise under the new conditions of management : modelling, simulation, taking a decision, environmental control modelling, simulation, taking a decision, environmental control |
Year of publication: |
Other Persons: | Mkrtčjan, Gagik M. (contributor) |
Institutions: | Institut Ėkonomiki i Organizacii Promyšlennogo Proizvodstva <Nowosibirsk> (contributor) |
Publisher: |
Novosibirsk |
Subject: | Ressourcenökonomik | Resource economics | Metallindustrie | Metal industry | Russland | Russia |
Extent: | 123 S |
Type of publication: | Book / Working Paper |
Type of publication (narrower categories): | Graue Literatur ; Non-commercial literature |
Language: | Russian |
Notes: | In kyrill. Schr., russ. |
ISBN: | 5-7623-0777-8 |
Source: | ECONIS - Online Catalogue of the ZBW |
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Prirodnye resursy v modeljach territorial'no-proizvodstvennych sistem
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Aktualʹnye problemy osvoenija toplivno-ėnergetičeskich resursov Sibiri : sbornik naučnych trudov
Mkrtčjan, Gagik M., (1985)
Analiz i planirovanie toplivno-ėnergetičeskogo kompleksa Sibiri : sbornik naučnych trudov
Mkrtčjan, Gagik M., (1988)
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