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We compare the out-of-sample forecasting performance of univariate homoskedastic, GARCH, autoregressive and nonparametric models for conditional variances, using five bilateral weekly exchange rates for the dollar, 1973-1989. For a one week horizon, GARCH models tend to make slightly more...
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When estimates of variances are used to make asset allocation decisions, underestimates of population variances lead to lower expected utility than equivalent overestimates: a utility based criterion is asymmetric, unlike standard criteria such as mean squared error. To illustrate how to...
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Estimation of average treatment effects in observational, or non-experimental in pre-treatment variables. If the number … that allows for estimation of average causal effects with multi-valued treatments while maintaining the advantages of the …
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This paper introduces an instrumental variables estimator for the effect of a binary treatment on the quantiles of potential outcomes. The quantile treatment effects (QTE) estimator accommodates exogenous covariates and reduces to quantile regression as a special case when treatment status is...
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In this paper, we explore Bayesian inference in models with many instrumental variables that are potentially weakly correlated with the endogenous regressor. The prior distribution has a hierarchical (nested) structure. We apply the methods to the Angrist-Krueger (AK, 1991) analysis of returns...
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In this paper we analyze estimation of coefficients in regression models under moment restrictions where the moment … an application based on omitted ability bias in estimation of wage regressions. The National Longitudinal Survey Young …
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Instrumental variables (IV) estimation of a demand equation using time series data is shown to produce a weighted … derivative estimation to models with endogenous regressors. The paper also shows how to compute the weights underlying IV …
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