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, Norwegian krone, Swedish krona, Swiss franc, and euro exchange rates (against the US dollar) during the period 1994-2003. Using … formal decision to proceed with the euro was made in December 1996 and at the time of the actual introduction of the euro in …
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in US dollar terms. Euro, British pound, Chinese yuan, and Japanese yen are modelled using a variety of non-linear models …
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We compute joint sovereign default probabilities as coincident systemic risk indicators. Instead of commonly used CDS spreads, we use government bond yield data which provide a longer data history. We show that for the more recent sample period 2008--2015, joint default probabilities based on...
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calibrated to the euro area, the model implies a slowdown in the TFP growth rate of the euro area's periphery relative to its … TFP growth in the aftermath of joining the euro. …
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To study the effect of the euro on international goods trade one typically estimates a panel model for the level of … euro is only present at the end of the sample, this may have led to an upward bias in existing euro estimates to help … have different effects across country-pairs. Data on industrialized countries over 1967-2002 show the existing euro effects …
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A major economic reason for the introduction of the euro was its supposedly positive effect on intra-EMU trade …. Existing studies examine this suspicion indirectly using non-EMU data and report ambiguous results. We estimate the euro … euro has significantly increased trade, with an effect of 4% in the first year and cumulating to around 40% in the long …
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If there is exchange market pressure (EMP), monetary authorities can use the interest rate and official interventions to offset this depreciation tendency, or they can let the exchange rate change. We introduce a new approach to derive how these three variables should be combined to measure EMP....
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Exchange market pressure (EMP) measures the pressure on a currencyto depreciate. It adds to the actual depreciation a weightedcombination of policy instruments used to ward off depreciation,such as interest rates and foreign exchange interventions, where theweights are their effectiveness. The...
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