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The aim of this paper is to present a further contribution, with panel data, to the analysis of absolute convergence … productivity at regional level. Presenting some empirical evidence of absolute convergence of productivity for each of the economic … empirical evidence of conditional convergence of productivity, for each of the economic sectors of the NUTS II of Portugal, from …
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convergence speed of per capita income among municipios and test whether spatial externalities are linked to local income growth …. Conditionally on structural characteristics, we find evidence of convergence between municipios and of positive spatial dependence …
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services are and we provide evidence for this both in terms of traditional measures of sigma- and beta-convergence and more …
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The consideration of spatial effects at a regional level is becoming increasingly frequent and the work of Anselin (1988), among others, has contributed to this. This study analyses, through cross-section estimation methods, the influence of spatial effects in the NUTs III vine and olive crops...
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The consideration of spatial effects at a regional level is becoming increasingly frequent and the work of Anselin (1988), among others, has contributed to this. This study analyses, through cross-section estimation methods, the influence of spatial effects in the NUTs III vine crop of mainland...
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productivity conditional convergence in the economic sectors of NUTs III of mainland Portugal between 1995 and 2002. Taking into … account the estimation results, it is stated once again that the indications of convergence are greater in industry, and it … can be seen that spatial spillover effects, spatial lag and spatial error, do not condition the convergence of …
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conditional product convergence in the parishes’ economies of mainland Portugal between 1991 and 2001 (the last year with data … indications of convergence (the population is in the littoral of Portugal) and it can be seen that spatial spillover effects … spatial autocorrelation through a spatially lagged error term) condition the convergence of product of Portuguese parishes in …
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capital in the conditional productivity convergence in the economic sectors of NUTs III of mainland Portugal between 1995 and … 2002. Taking into account the estimation results, it is stated once again that the indications of convergence are greater … convergence of productivity in the various economic sectors of Portuguese region in the period under consideration. In contrast …
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The last two decades have seen increased divergence among the states of the Indian Federation in terms of their economic performance. This paper uses spatial econometric methods to examine how the regional pattern of growth has been influenced by the economic reforms implemented since the early...
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The aim of this paper is to study the impact of spatial effects on convergence process in Africa over the period 1975 … econometrics, we focus on the geographical dimension of economic convergence of African countries. This allows us to deal with … dynamics. Our results prove the existence of convergence process in Africa through a model with spatially autocorrelated error …
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