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convergence speed of per capita income among municipios and test whether spatial externalities are linked to local income growth …. Conditionally on structural characteristics, we find evidence of convergence between municipios and of positive spatial dependence …
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We analyze recent contributions to growth theory based on the model of expanding variety of Romer (1990). In the first part, we present different versions of the benchmark linear model with imperfect competition. These include the “labequipment” model, labor-for-intermediates” and...
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Let a class $\F$ of densities be given. We draw an i.i.d.\ sample from a density $f$ which may or may not be in $\F$. After every $n$, one must make a guess whether $f \in \F$ or not. A class is almost surely testable if there exists such a testing sequence such that for any $f$, we make...
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We continue the development of a method for the selection of a bandwidth or a number of design parameters in density estimation. We provide explicit non-asymptotic density-free inequalities that relate the $L_1$ error of the selected estimate with that of the best possible estimate, and study in...
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We use aggregate GDP data and within-country income shares for the period 1970-1998 to assign a level of income to each person in the world. We then estimate the gaussian kernel density function for the worldwide distribution of income. We compute world poverty rates by integrating the density...
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-industry restructuring in productivity growth, few studies have gone beyond the framework of the representative firm in examining convergence …
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Economic convergence of the new member states (NMS) of the EU towards the old EU countries (EU-15), not only in terms … indebtedness. At the same time we evaluate the impact of convergence on the EU-15 countries also, by endogenising offshoring and … process of convergence. We find that in a general equilibrium setting fears of large adverse effects of a relocation of EU-15 …
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We analyse the development of labour productivity and hours worked by the working-aged population in the EU25 countries and other OECD countries in 1960-2004. We emphasise the possible effects of taxes, benefits and other labour-market variables. First, we describe the trends in productivity and...
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Using a neo-classical growth model, we analyse the real and nominal GDP per capita convergence of 21 emerging market … physical capital intensities in the long run. Due to standard-convergence in the model, catching up will continue at a … decelerating speed. Also nominal convergence in prices that will lead to a real appreciation of the EME currencies with respect to …
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