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implement them. Both of these knowledge-based elements of innovation can be attained through moderate labor force turnover in …Keeping up with rapid technological change necessitates constant innovation. Successful innovation depends on both … incumbent workers’ knowledge, based on experience, and knowledge about the latest technologies, along with the skills needed to …
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We incorporate the concept of social identity into a stylized model of occupational choice and analyze whether an individual’s identity affects his or her decision to become an entrepreneur. We argue that an entrepreneurial identity results from an individual’s socialization. This could be...
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An emerging literature on the geography of bohemians argues that a region’s lifestyle and cultural amenities explain, at least partly, the unequal distribution of highly qualified people across space, which in turn, explains geographic disparities in economic growth. However, to date, there...
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Does the Internet undermine social capital or facilitate inter-personal and civic engagement in the real world? Merging unique telecommunication data with geo-coded German individual-level data, we investigate how broadband Internet affects several dimensions of social capital. One...
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This article presents a formalization of knowledge based on a connectionist model of a firm's structure. Transaction … costs are not ignored, but integrated with the knowledge-based approach. A numerical example on the canonical comparison of …
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. Uniting Schumpeter's concern for innovation with Keynes' concern for uncertainty and expectations formation, this article … focuses on the behaviour of entrepreneurs confronting uncertainty caused by innovation. Entrepreneurs' behaviour is … opened up by a successful innovation generates a state of optimism in the minds of single entrepreneurs, which eventually …
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The idea of an industrial policy that promotes large businesses—heavyweights—as the best way to compete in a globalized world has become, again, en vogue among European politicians. The only apparent controversy about the idea revolves around whether it is better to promote national...
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–64 years old. A more detailed analysis of the working-age distribution suggests that startups in knowledge-based (high …
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Shafer's evidence theory is a branch of the mathematics of uncertain reasoning that allows for novel possibilities to be conceived by a decision-maker. Many of its findings exhibit striking similarities with an alternative decision theory purported by Shackle in the 1950s, before expected...
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