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present a comprehensive statistical and econometric analysis of employment, unemployment and participation in Poland in the … with some policy prescriptions. At the moment Poland exhibits the highest unemployment rate in OECD and one of the lowest … increase of unemployment in 1998- 1999 and its later persistence. We find that the supply-side characteristics and sectoral …
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procyclical unemployment and a positively-sloped Beveridge curve. This paper presents a calibrated model which does indeed … generate countercyclical unemployment and a negatively-sloped Beveridge curve despite the presence of a participation margin. …
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I examine the dynamic evolutions of unemployment, hours of work and the service share since the war in the United … that the very low unemployment in Europe in the 1960s was due to the high productivity growth associated with technological …
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The entry of married women into the labor force is one of the most notable economic phenomena of the twentieth century. We argue that medical progress played a critical role in this process. Improved maternal health alleviated the adverse effects of pregnancy and childbirth on women's ability to...
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distribution) of wages, unemployment, employment growth, and migration remain remarkably constant in Japan for periods of up to 15 … years. Although wages, unemployment, and migration appear to be driven by similar factors in both countries, wages appear to … be slightly more sensitive while unemployment is less sensitive to demand shifts in Japan than in the U.S. …
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Throughout the postwar era until 1995 labor productivity grew faster in Europe than in the United States. Since 1995, productivity growth in the EU-15 has slowed while that in the United States has accelerated. But Europe's productivity growth slowdown was largely offset by faster growth in...
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The cyclical behavior of hours worked, wages, and consumption does not conform with the prediction of the representative agent with standard preferences. The residual in the intra-temporal first-order condition for commodity consumption and leisure is often viewed as a failure of labor-market...
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capital, may affect European unemployment in two, mutually enforcing, ways. Firstly the existence of minimum non …. Unemployment and minimum living costs are also increased by an increase in population, by an increase in the relative productivity …
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High- and low-wage occupations are expanding rapidly relative to middle-wage occupations in both the U.S. and the E.U. We study the reallocation of workers from middle-skill occupations towards the tails of the occupational skill distribution by analyzing changes in age structure within and...
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"From 1992 to 2005, part-time employment in Western Germany has grown by 82 percent, whereas full-time employment has shrunk by 14 percent. Behind these general figures there is substantial variation of employment schemes across industries. Beside this, the share of the service industries in...
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