Showing 1 - 10 of 34
This paper examines the impact of labour and product market reforms on economic growth in 25 OECD countries between 1985 and 2013, and tests whether this impact is conditioned by the fiscal policy stance, i.e. whether there are fiscal expansions or adjustments. Our local projection results...
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This paper investigates the determinants of time and money gifts. We first develop a behavioural model which accounts for both types of donations, as well as for decisions about domestic and market hours of work. We then investigate the issue empirically, using survey data for Italy. Results...
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This paper studies the reaction of the mean and volatility of the euro-dollar exchange rate to statements of ECB … officials during the first years of EMU. We focus on statements on monetary policy and the (potential) strength of the euro. We …. In some cases there are effects of statements on the level of the euro-dollar rate. Efforts to talk up' the euro have not …
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We review studies on monetary transmission in the EU countries using the VAR approach and analyse why they often lead to divergent outcomes. Firstly, we estimate 43 VAR models across ten EU countries and compare the robustness of the ranking of the magnitudes of the price and output responses....
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We model annual low pay transition probabilities taking account of three potentially endogenous selections: two sample drop-out mechanisms (panel attrition, non-employment) and ?initial conditions? (base-year low pay status). This model, and variants that ignore one or more of these selection...
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This paper examines whether there is a political budget cycle (PBC) in countries in the euro area. Using a multivariate … has not restricted fiscal policy makers in the euro area in pursuing expansionary policies before elections. In an …
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This paper re-examines the relationship between trade intensity and business cycle synchronization for 21 OECD countries during 1970-2003. Instead of using instrumental variables, we estimate a multivariate model including variables capturing specialisation, financial integration, and similarity...
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Using microdata on the 1995 cohort of Italian high school graduates, this paper studies the relationship between the type of high school attended (general versus technical; private versus public) and indicators of subsequent performance. Simultaneity issues that potentially bias this type of...
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. Results show that the three selection mechanisms are endogenous for the estimation of low pay transitions. The data also …
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This paper extends the analysis of the acquisition of destination language proficiency among immigrants by explicitly incorporating dynamics among family members – mother, father and children. Single equation, bivariate, and four-state (multivariate) probit analyses are employed. Immigrant...
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