Showing 1 - 10 of 17
errors and confounding factors. Our methodology combines the estimation of wage regressions in the spirit of Abowd, Kramarz …
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To better understand unemployment dynamics it is key to assess the role played by job creation and job destruction. Although the U.S. case has been studied extensively, the importance of job finding and employment exit rates to unemployment variability remains unsettled. The aim of this paper is...
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In this paper a simultaneous-equations model of firm closing and wage determination is developed in order to analyse how wages adjust to unfavorable shocks that raise the risk of displacement through firm closing, and to what extent a wage change affects the exit likelihood. Using a longitudinal...
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The consequences of aggregation, temporal or spatial, for the estimation of demand models are theoretically well …
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contribution that combines the estimation of sets of high-dimensional fixed effects and Gelbach's (2009) unambiguous decomposition …
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Portugal, the estimation results suggest that, under the existence of noncompetitive rents, the fear of job loss leads workers …
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A thorny problem in identifying the determinants of reservation wages and particularly the role of continued joblessness in their evolution is the simultaneity issue. We deploy a natural control function approach to the problem that involves conditioning elapsed duration on completed...
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