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We identify a new problem that may arise when heterogeneous workers are motivated by relative performance schemes: If workers’ abilities and the production technology are complements, the firm may prefer not to adopt a more advanced technology even though this technology would costlessly...
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The problem of designing tournament contracts under limited liability and alternative performance measures is …
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In a contest players compete for winning a prize by effort and thereby increasing their probability of winning. Contestants, however, could also improve their own relative position by harming the other players. We experimentally analyze contests with heterogeneous agents who may individually...
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In an asymmetric tournament model with endogenous risk choice by the agents it is shown that equilibrium efforts …
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such doping within a tournament game between two heterogeneous players. Three major e.ects are identified which determine a …
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Splitting leagues or tournaments seems to be puzzling when agents are homogeneous and splitting leads to a negative competition effect. However, it can be shown that the principal can nevertheless benefit from splitting. First, splitting can be used as a divide-and-rule strategy by the principal...
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We examine the impact of ambiguity on economic behaviour. We present a relatively non-technical account of ambiguity and show how it may be applied in economics. Optimistic and pessimistic responses to ambiguity are formally modelled. We show that pessimism has the effect of increasing...
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competition. We find that leverage has strategic effects, but those effects are much weaker than predicted by theory. Specifically … predicted by theory. It appears that subjects recognize the strategic effects of their own debt. However, they do not (want to …
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