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This paper is a prepublication version of a paper accepted for publication by Third World Quarterly. It offers a critique of the picture of world growth and world inequality generally disseminated by international agencies. The positive view commonly presented depends, it shows, on the...
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This paper describes the Greater London Authority’s evidence base for its work on the creative and cultural industries. Its main purpose is to show that th9is evidence base is viable, robust, and useful. The second and most important purpose is to encourage others in city management to invest...
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The paper argues that a formal, and fruitful, historical analogy can be drawn between economics and a religious hierarchy, most notably the mediaeval Catholic church. This idea was fully developed in Freeman (2007), ‘Heavens Above: what equilibrium means for economics’, in Mosini, V (ed)...
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This paper seeks to transcend entrenched misunderstandings between economists and arts policymakers, leaders and funders. These misunderstandings, which have long dogged discussion on arts funding in the UK, are most evident in the long-running debate about ‘instrumental’ and ‘intrinsic’...
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This interview is a prepublication version of an article that appeared in the Turkish journal Praxis in September 2002. The article published answers to questions posed by the journal editors to Alan Freeman, Riccardo Bellofiore and Hugo Radice. In this article I have assembled my own responses,...
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This report is a pre-final version of a report published by the Greater London Authority and the London Development Agency in March 2008. It benchmarks London’s cultural offer against four other world cities: Paris,  New York, Tokyo and Shanghai and is the first comprehensive such undertaking...
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This is a prepublication version of an analysis of the world economy which appeared in ‘The Inequality of Nations’ in Freeman, A, and Boris Kagarlitsky (eds) (2004) The Politics of Empire: Globalisation in crisis. London: Pluto Press. ISBN: 0 74532 183 6. It develops and presents rigorously...
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Prepublication version of ‘Measuring the UK Economy’, in Dorling, D. and Simpson, S. (1999) Statistics and Society, p361-369. London Arnold. ISBN 0 340 71994 X. This article demonstrates that the System of National Accounts (SNA) implicitly specify a conception of value. They divide all...
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This paper was presented at 15:00 hours local time in Ankara, Turkey on 11th September 2001. On the basis of an economic analysis of the world economy it surmises an entry into an ‘age of war’ – a period of financial and military competition between advanced countries comparable to the...
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With a budget of 308 billion euros, the EU structural funds are alongside agriculture (418 billion euros) the largest item of the EU budget. 12 percent of the funds, according to the Court of Accountability of the European Parliament end up in wrong channels, and in the international press...
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