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The paper argues that a formal, and fruitful, historical analogy can be drawn between economics and a religious hierarchy, most notably the mediaeval Catholic church. This idea was fully developed in Freeman (2007), ‘Heavens Above: what equilibrium means for economics’, in Mosini, V (ed)...
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This interview is a prepublication version of an article that appeared in the Turkish journal Praxis in September 2002. The article published answers to questions posed by the journal editors to Alan Freeman, Riccardo Bellofiore and Hugo Radice. In this article I have assembled my own responses,...
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This is a prepublication version of an analysis of the world economy which appeared in ‘The Inequality of Nations’ in Freeman, A, and Boris Kagarlitsky (eds) (2004) The Politics of Empire: Globalisation in crisis. London: Pluto Press. ISBN: 0 74532 183 6. It develops and presents rigorously...
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This paper was presented at 15:00 hours local time in Ankara, Turkey on 11th September 2001. On the basis of an economic analysis of the world economy it surmises an entry into an ‘age of war’ – a period of financial and military competition between advanced countries comparable to the...
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Article that appeared as Zarembka, P (ed) Economic Theory of Capitalism and its Crises, Research in Political Economy 18, pp241-48. Stanford, CT: JAI Press. ( Responds to debate initiated in Research in...
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This article was published in Freeman, Alan (2006): Die Himmel über uns. Über die Bedeutung des Gleichgewichts für die Wirtschaftswissenschaft, EXIT! Krise und Kritik der Warengesellschaft 3, 212-241 It is the German translation of an chapter originally published in Mosini, V (ed) (2007)...
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This paper was originally presented at a conference on value organized by the Laboratory for Social Change in Rome, which staged a debate on value theory involving Andrew Kliman, Alan Freeman, Mino Carchedi, Gary Mongiovi, Fabio Petri, Duncan Foley, and Ernesto Screpanti. The paper was a...
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This is a prepublication version of ‘Replicating Marx: a reply to Mohun’, Capital and Class No. 88, Spring 2006, pp 117-123. ISSN 0309 8168 Kliman (2001) showed that “simultaneist” interpretations – those which hold that Marx valued inputs and outputs simultaneously – contradict his...
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This is the English version of ‘Valore e Marx: Perche sono importanti’ which appeared in Vasopollo, L (2002) (ed) ‘Un Vecchio Falso Problema: La Transformazione dei valori in prezzi nel Capital di Marx’, Roma: Laboratoria per la critica sociale. It was presented at the May 2002...
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This is a prepublication version of an analysis of stagnation and divergence in the world economy which appeared in Pettifor, A (2003) Real World Economic Outlook, pp152-159. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, pp152-164. A fuller version of this same paper was presented to the British...
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