Showing 71 - 80 of 94
In many environments, tournaments can elicit more effort from workers, except perhapswhen workers can sabotage each other. Because it is hard to separate effort, ability andoutput in many real workplace settings, the empirical evidence on the incentive effect oftournaments is thin...
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This paper studies the presence of hours constraints on the UK labor market and its effect onolder workers labor supply, both at the extensive and the intensive margin. Using panel datafor the period 1991-2004, the results from a competing risks model show that over-employedmale workers can...
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Small and informal firms account for a large share of employment in developing countries.The rapid expansion of microfinance services is based on the belief that these firms haveproductive investment opportunities and can enjoy high returns to capital if given theopportunity...
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This paper provides a unified theory of the economic and demographic transition. Individualsmake optimal decisions about fertility, education of their children and the type and intensity ofthe investments in their own education. These decisions are affected by different dimensionsof mortality...
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One important concern of governments in developing countries is on how to phase-out largesafety nets programs. This paper evaluates the short run effects of one possible exit strategy,programs that promote self-employment, in Argentina. We provide evidence that a smallfraction of beneficiaries...
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This paper begins the synthesis of two currently unrelated literatures: the human capitalapproach to health economics and the economics of cognitive and noncognitive skillformation. ...
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Between the years 1996 and 2003, a series of amendments were made to the Tax ReformAct of 1986 (TRA86) that gradually increased the tax credit for health insurance purchases bythe self-employed from 25 to 100 percent. We study how these changes in the tax code haveinfluenced the likelihood that...
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Does fractionalization change over time? If so, are there any substantial implications foreconomic performance? To answer such questions, we construct a new panel data set withfractionalization measures for 26 former communist countries covering the period from 1989to 2002...
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Using a unique longitudinal representative survey of both manufacturing and nonmanufacturingbusinesses in the United States during the 1990’s, I examine the incidenceand intensity of organizational innovation and the factors associated with investments inorganizational innovation...
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This paper examines the causes and consequences of changes in the incidence ofentrepreneurship in the UK. Self-employment as a proportion of total employment is high byinternational standards in the United Kingdom, but the share has fluctuated over time. Weexamine the time series movements in...
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