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This paper documents some of the patterns in modern microeconomic data on youngpeople´s employment, attitudes and entrepreneurial behaviour. Among other sources, thepaper uses the Eurobarometer Surveys; the Labour Force Surveys from Canada and theCurrent Population Survey in the United States...
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In this paper I examine changes in self-employment that have occurred since the early 1980sin the United States. It is a companion paper to a recent equivalent paper relating to the UK.Data on random samples of twenty million US workers are examined taken from the BasicMonthly files of the CPS...
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The UK´s Equal Opportunities Commission has recently drawn attention to the hidden braindrain when women working part-time are employed in occupations below those for whichthey are qualified. These inferences were based on self-reporting...
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We compare the returns to education (RTE) for entrepreneurs and employees, based on 19waves of the NLSY database. By using instrumental variable techniques (IV) and takingaccount of selectivity, we find that the RTE are significantly higher for entrepreneurs than foremployees (18.3 percent and...
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Both raw intuition and past experience suggest that the success of an employment guaranteescheme (EGS) in safeguarding the welfare of the poor depends both on the wage itpromises, and the ease with which any worker can gain access. An EGS is thus at once awage guarantee and a rationing device....
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We study the effects of liquidity constraints and start-up costs on the relationship betweenwealth and the fraction of entrepreneurs in an economy. We develop a dynamic occupationalchoice model with endogenous wealth and entry into entrepreneurship...
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This paper identifies several distortions which create barriers to entrepreneurship. First, inaddition to the innate entry cost, there are entry costs caused by regulation. Second, unionwage policies raise the opportunity cost of entrepreneurship...<BR>
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This paper examines the causes and consequences of changes in the incidence ofentrepreneurship in the UK. Self-employment as a proportion of total employment is high byinternational standards in the United Kingdom, but the share has fluctuated over time. Weexamine the time series movements in...
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Many studies have explored the determinants of entering into entrepreneurship and thedifferences in self-employment rates across racial and ethnic groups. However, very little isknown about the survival in entrepreneurship of immigrants to the U.S. and theirdescendants...
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This paper contributes to the policy-relevant question whether self-employment is a way outof (long-term) unemployment. We estimate the relationship between the entry rate into selfemploymentand previous (long-term) unemployment on the basis of pseudo-panel data forGermany in the period 1996-2002...
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