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Endogenous growth models are generally designed to address long term trends of growth. They explain how the economy converges to or diverges from a balanced growth path and they characterize aggregate behaviour given the optimization problem faced by a representative agent that maximizes...
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The traditional assumption concerning endogenous labor supply in models of economic growth is that utility increases with leisure, independently of the specific time allocation of the representative agent observed at a given moment. In this note, we explore the consequences, over dynamic...
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The new Keynesian monetary policy model studies the response of the inflation – output gap trade-off to policy decisions taken by the Central Bank, concerning the nominal interest rate time trajectory. Under an optimal setup, this model displays a saddle-path stable equilibrium and, if the...
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The standard two-sector growth model with physical and human capital characterizes a process of material accumulation involving simple dynamics; constant long run growth is observable when assuming conventional Cobb-Douglas production functions in both sectors. This framework is developed under...
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The paper develops an AK endogenous growth model with an endogenously determined rate of intertemporal preference. Following some of the related literature, we assume that the degree of impatience that is revealed by the representative agent, regarding future consumption, depends on income. To...
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Economic phenomena are interrelated. From a growth perspective, time analysis concerning the choices of present and future consumption and the choices between the allocation of scientific resources should be combined with a space analysis regarding the dissemination of economic activity through...
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The purpose of the present Evaluation Study is to discuss the methodological problems researchers are facing in gauging the impact of aid on economic growth. The discussion is nontechnical and aimed at an audience without much prior knowledge in the fields of macroeconomics and econometrics. The...
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The purpose of the present evaluation study is to discuss the empirical studies that attempt to estimate the impact of foreign aid on economic growth. The study draws on a previous evaluation study (Dalgaard and Hansen, 2009), which introduces the general econometric methodology involved in...
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This paper examines the causal relationship between financial development and economic growth in Egypt during the period 1960-2001 within a trivariate VAR setting. We employ four different measures of financial development and apply Granger causality tests using the cointegration and vector...
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This paper presents three modified versions of the simple AK endogenous growth model. Such frameworks stress the role of consumers’ sentiment, the impact of fiscal policy and the effect of non-optimal investment decisions made by firms. In all the cases, today’s decisions take into...
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