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We investigate the long-run impact of college remedial education on students' academic performance and employment …
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We investigate whether and how time pressure affects performance. We conducted a field experiment in which students … consist of a verbal and a numerical part, each carrying half of the total marks. Students deciding to sustain the alternative … exam are randomly assigned to a "time pressure" and a "no time pressure" group. Students performing under time pressure at …
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We conducted a field experiment involving 720 Italian undergraduate students to investigate the existence of gender … attitudes, such as self-confidence and risk aversion. Students were invited to undertake a midterm exam under a tournament … scheme having as a prize some bonus points to add to the final grade. Students competed in pairs of equal predicted ability …
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We use the repeated random assignment of external examiners to school institutes in Italy to investigate whether the effect of external monitoring on test score manipulation persists over time. We find that this effect is still present in the tests taken one year after exposure to the examiners,...
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evidence on student performance in international tests showing that children with an immigrant background display worse results … combination of students and teacher characteristics, and class composition. …
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The reduction of early school leaving to less than 10 percent of the relevant population by 2020 is a headline target in the Europe 2020 strategy and one of the five benchmarks of the strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training. Designing adequate policies to combat...
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