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income for example), many of the pathways through which these outcomes are transmitted are not as well understood. We address … and unique dataset of university students. While large socio-economic differences in academic performance exist at the … differences across socio-economic backgrounds in university grade attainment for female students is explained by intermediating …
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reforms based on high-quality administrative register data, using children's grade point average (GPA) rank at age 15 to 16 …
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(SES) can also improve the well-being of their children. This chapter identifies several channels for this effect, drawing … maternal well-being can affect not only a woman's own children, but future generations as well. Finally, the chapter highlights …
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educational attainment of the next generation were more severe for children with nontertiary-educated parents than those with … tertiary-educated parents, implying that the recession aggravated the pattern of societal inequality in Finland. Importantly …
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This paper presents evidence of substantial causal effects of parental education on children's health behaviours and …, which was implemented across federal states at different points in time. Maternal schooling reduces children's smoking and … overweight in adolescence. The effects persist into children's adulthood, reducing chronic conditions that often result from …
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comparative advantages in math of parents are significantly linked to those of their children. A causal interpretation follows … quality. Finally, we show the strong influence of family skill transmission on children's choices of STEM fields. …
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We use administrative data from Norway to examine recent trends in the association between parents' prime age earnings … disproportionally benefited lower class offspring. The rising influence of parents' earnings rank can partly be explained by a … strengthened intragenerational association between earnings rank and education among parents, as educational achievement has an …
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-generation immigrants and second-generation immigrants whose parents arrived shortly before birth. For most outcomes considered, I find that … distinct as often thought. I also use the measure assess whether parents' host country experience before a child's birth … performance of late-arriving first-generation children. …
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We study the role played by the standard of living during childhood on nest leaving. Using data from SHARE, we show empirically that individuals who grew up in a golden nest leave the parental home later and that education only partially mediates this effect. This relationship holds across...
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children's performance only through parents. We find that one additional score point in the origin country performance in math …In this study, we provide evidence that parents' beliefs about the value of math, in terms of successful employment …, have a positive impact on children's math scores. This result is robust to the reverse causality issue that characterizes …
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