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In this paper we reassess the evidence on labor income risk. There are two leading views on the nature of the income … process in the current literature. The first view, which we call the "Restricted Income Profiles" (RIP) process, holds that … individuals are subject to large and very persistent shocks, while facing similar life-cycle income profiles. The alternative view …
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This paper studies the business-cycle variation in higher-order (labor) income risk--that is, risks that are captured … analysis: the United States, Germany, and Sweden. Our analysis has three main results. First, using individual gross income, we …-sector jobs, among others. Second, household-level income displays cyclical patterns that are very similar to individual income …
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This paper presents a framework for the quantitative analysis of individual income dynamics, mobility and welfare, with … ex-ante identical individuals facing a stochastic income process and market incompleteness implying that they are unable … to insure against persistent shocks to income. We show how the parameters of the income process can be estimated using …
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This paper studies empirically the relationship between trade policy and individual income risk faced by workers, and … three steps. First, longitudinal data on workers are used to estimate time-varying individual income risk parameters in … various manufacturing sectors. Second, the estimated income risk parameters and data on trade barriers are used to analyze the …
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This paper studies the cyclical nature of individual income risk using a confidential dataset from the U.S. Social … individual income growth during recessions into "between-group" and "within-group" components. We begin with the behavior of … within-group shocks. Contrary to past research, we do not find the variance of idiosyncratic income shocks to be …
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earnings shocks and find important asymmetries: positive shocks to high-income individuals are quite transitory, whereas … negative shocks are very persistent; the opposite is true for low-income individuals. Finally, we use these rich sets of …
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How sensitive are the earnings of top earners to business cycles? And, how does the business cycle sensitivity of top earners vary by industry? We use a confidential dataset on earnings histories of US males from the Social Security Administration. On average, individuals in the top 1% of the...
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We estimate an income process that is consistent with key facts on individual income risk and its variation over the … business cycle. In particular, the estimated process generates income fluctuations that display (i) flat and acyclical variance … over the life cycle, all consistent with the US data. Furthermore, the income process captures the predictable nature of …
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"This paper studies empirically the relationship between trade policy and individual income risk faced by workers, and … three steps. First, longitudinal data on workers are used to estimate time-varying individual income risk parameters in … various manufacturing sectors. Second, the estimated income risk parameters and data on trade barriers are used to analyze the …
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