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Cet article a pour but d'analyser le rôle de l'éducation dans la convergence des émissions par tête de dioxyde de …'une convergence des émissions par tête de dioxyde de carbone au niveau mondial. Dans les pays en développement il y a une divergence … convergence si et seulement si elle est associée à de bonnes institutions politiques. En absence de celles-ci, l'éducation est …
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In this paper we examine long-run house price convergence across US states using a novel econometric approach advocated … convergence based on the percentage of unit root rejections among all state house price differentials. Using a sieve bootstrap … procedure, we construct confidence intervals and find evidence in favour of convergence. We also conclude that speed of …
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This paper empirically examines whether there exists stochastic convergence of income inequality among 48 contiguous … evidence in support of the hypothesis of inter-state inequality convergence. Moreover, the results are robust to alternative … inequality measures applied, different notions of stochastic convergence defined, and alternative panel stationary test employed. …
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This paper analyzes the time stability of the GDP beta convergence in two subsamples: EU27 countries during 1993 … compared with the widely cited 2% rate of convergence. (2) The pure mechanism of conditional convergence of the countries under … study was rather constant over time: there were periods of more rapid or slower convergence but the differences were not as …
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and sufficient condition for convergence to consensus and characterize outcomes where the society ends up polarized. Our …
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This paper investigates the convergence of local price levels within Japan, using long-run data spanning six decades … and based on a pairwise approach. The analysis investigates convergence of all binary combinations of local price levels …, rather than choosing a particular city as reference. The results indicate that the null hypothesis of no convergence is …
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This paper tests the hypothesis in the revised endogenous dynamic Solow model that there exists dynamic convergence to … the moving steady-state as a single economy grows. The convergence in the revised endogenous dynamic Solow model implies …, providing strong evidence to support the dynamic convergence hypothesis. …
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and convergence levels. A partial equilibrium model (POLES) of the world's energy system is used to provide detailed … global growth. Convergence in living standards on the other hand places greater pressures in terms of the required reduction …
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The European Union in its widening movement shows five clusters of Third sector organisations with complex bonds and ties with the surrounding societies and national identities In introduction, we compare briefly the Europe's Third sector features to North America's ones (Historical and...
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firstly, business cycle synchronization, and secondly, long-term economic convergence. To measure the impact on business cycle … adversely affect business cycle synchronization as well as long-run convergence. …
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