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Currency crises, generally defined as rapid depreciation of a local currency or loss of foreign exchange reserves, are common incidents in modern monetary systems. Due to their repeated occurrence and severity, they have earned wide coverage by both theoretical and empirical literature. However,...
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This paper investigates the dynamic implications of Krugman’s (1999) model of financial crises with balance-sheet effects, which has a considerable impact on the literature as well as the teaching of international financial crisis. By explicitly taking account of wealth accumulation and...
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The welfare state was created after 1950 with counterproductive mechanisms and this caused high inflation and high unemployment and stagnating growth by 1970, called stagflation. Since 1970 governments redressed the welfare state but did not succeed in finding workable mechanisms. They rather...
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Financial market interdependence has been at the epicenter of the crisis in the euro area. This paper tests for the … euro area shocks from country-specific shocks. Financial contagion has been widespread during the crisis in the euro area … between the core and the periphery of the euro area. Global and euro area shocks have been important drivers of sovereign bond …
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The aim of this short paper is to discuss the future of the European Monetary Union (EMU) departing from the current financial crisis. In particular, we focus on its effects on the prospects for the EMU integration or disintegration.
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The paper tries to underline the most important aspects of the financial crisis in Romania. Taking into account the information speed, the full integration of the capital markets and the commercial integration, the economic crisis of 2008 is certainly a global one and it has repercussions not...
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2009 ist eine Diskussion darüber entbrannt, inwieweit die derzeitige Finanzkrise Einfluss auf die mittelfristigen … Zeitreihenmodellen abgeschätzt. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass das Niveau des Produktionspotenzials aufgrund der Finanzkrise … Euro ableiten. Demgegenüber dürfte die Trendwachstumsrate in den kommenden Jahren bei 1,3 % liegen und damit nur …
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This paper provides a unified analysis for the onset of the 1998 financial crisis and the strong economic recovery afterward in Russia and other former Soviet Union countries. Before the crisis a banking failure arose owing to the coexistence of a lemons credit market and high government...
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‘New’ long run data regarding Norway, the Netherlands, United Kingdom and USA has been collected and will be graphically, statistically and econometrically compiled and analyzed to prove that real house prices in the long run are constant and mean reverting. Co-integration of nominal house...
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