Showing 1 - 10 of 382
spreads during the crisis, not only for euro area countries but globally. By contrast, regional spill overs and contagion have … been less important, including for euro area countries. The paper also finds evidence for herding contagion – sharp …
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A striking and unexpected feature of the financial crisis has been the sharp appreciation of the US dollar against virtually all currencies globally. The paper finds that negative US-specific macroeconomic shocks during the crisis have triggered a significant strengthening of the US dollar,...
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sovereigns in the euro area, where spillover is identified based on bilateral Granger causality regressions. Over …
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In this paper we propose a composite indicator that measures multi-dimensional sovereign bond market stress in the euro … area as a whole and in individual euro area member states. It integrates measures of credit risk, volatility and liquidity … eleven euro area member states and also present four options of a SovCISS for the entire monetary union. In addition, we …
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We study market perception of sovereign credit risk in the euro area during the financial crisis. In our analysis we … euro area countries. In our empirical results the estimated LGDs perceived by financial markets stay comfortably below 40 …
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The Local Average Treatment Effect (LATE) interpretation of the IV estimates of the returns to schooling is becoming increasingly popular. Typically, researchers reporting LATE estimates do not provide systematic evidence that there is substantial heterogeneity across different ability levels in...
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This paper identifies sharp bounds on the mean treatment response and average treatment effect under the assumptions of both concave monotone treatment response (concave-MTR) and monotone treatment selection (MTS). We use our bounds and the US National Longitudinal Survey of Youth to estimate...
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The recent literature on instrumental variables (IV) features models in which agents sort into treatment status on the basis of gains from treatment as well as on baseline-pretreatment levels. Components of the gains known to the agents and acted on by them may not be known by the observing...
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This research note discusses the Euro crisis in Greece in light of the referendum of July the 5th. It lays out the …
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This paper tests for uncovered interest parity (UIP) at distant horizons for the US and its main trading partners, including both mature and emerging market economies, also exploring the existence of nonlinearities. At long and medium horizons, it finds support in favour of the standard, linear,...
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