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the estimation results, two currencies, the Swiss franc and (to a lesser extent) the US dollar qualify as safe haven … currencies, and the euro serves as a hedge currency. Results for the yen support its role as a carry funding vehicle, but not … analysis of bilateral euro-based exchange rates, given the euro's prominent role during the euro area sovereign debt crisis. …
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The potential mutation of the Sub-Prime banking crisis into a sovereign debt one in Euro area countries is investigated … the end 2009 the probability of observing a Euro area country defaulting is less likely than six month before … self-fulfilling, sovereign debt or currency crises in Euro area in the future. -- king crisis ; sovereign debt crisis …
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This paper investigates the informational efficiency of green bond markets using a recently introduced quantitative measure for market inefficiency. The methodology assesses the deviation of observed asset price behavior from the Random Walk benchmark, which represents an efficient market. The...
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Interest-rate spreads fluctuate widely across time and countries. We characterize their behavior using some 3,200 quarterly observations for 21 advanced and 17 emerging economies since the early 1990s. Before the financial crisis, spreads are 10 times more volatile in emerging economies than in...
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Macroeconomic adjustment in the euro area periphery was more recessionary than pre-crisis imbalances would have …
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bond markets and improved economic sentiment, as reflected in higher equity prices. In contrast, passive euro liquidity …
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This paper studies the reaction of the mean and volatility of the euro-dollar exchange rate to statements of ECB … officials during the first years of EMU. We focus on statements on monetary policy and the (potential) strength of the euro. We …. In some cases there are effects of statements on the level of the euro-dollar rate. Efforts to talk up the euro have not …
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econometrically estimated in continuous time with Euro/Dollar data and examined for the possible presence of chaotic motion. Our …
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A rational-expectations equilibrium with positive demand for financial information does exist under fully revealing asset price - contrary to a wide-held conjecture. Generalizing the common additive signal-return model with CARA utility to the family of distributions with moment generating...
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