Showing 1 - 10 of 44
Der Begriff Entrepreneurship steht für unternehmerische Initiative, Kreativität, Innovation und das Eingehen … Bestimmungsgründe von Entrepreneurship und zeigt seine Bedeutung für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft auf. Es werden typische Probleme und … Entwicklungsverläufe junger Unternehmen aufgezeigt und wirtschaftspolitische Handlungsoptionen diskutiert. Der Inhalt Entrepreneurship …
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In this book, one of the most highly recognized entrepreneurship scholars shares in a personal and readable way his … rich experience and ideas on how entrepreneurship can be researched. Entrepreneurship is a phenomenon of tremendous …, sampling, operationalization and analysis. Researching Entrepreneurship is targeted primarily at research students and …
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This book provides an account of work in the Schumpeterian and evolutionary tradition of industrial dynamics and the evolution of industries. It is shown that over time industries evolve and change their structure. In this dynamic process, change is affected and sometimes constraint by many...
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With so many theories and scientific bodies implicated in its study, Entrepreneurship can, at times, seem like a …
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Entrepreneurship, Gründungen, Marktdynamik -- Unternehmerische Selbständigkeit, Gründungsgeschehen und Marktdynamik in … Deutschland -- Entrepreneurial Choice: Wer gründet ein Unternehmen? Merkmale von Gründern -- Entrepreneurship als Prozess … Unternehmensgründungen -- Wirkungen von Gründungsprozessen -- Entrepreneurship-Politik. …
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to Entrepreneurship -- to the Handbook of Entrepreneurship Research -- Entrepreneurship: The Past, the Present, the … Entrepreneurial Studies -- Opportunity and the Nature of Exploitation -- The Cognitive Psychology of Entrepreneurship -- Three Views … Behavior and Firm Organizing Processes -- Entrepreneurship, Business Culture and the Theory of the Firm -- Resources and …
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What is Entrepreneurship? -- Entrepreneurship as Research Domain -- This Thing Called “Theory” -- General Design Issues …Entrepreneurship is a phenomenon of tremendous societal importance. It is also an elusive phenomenon, which makes … researching it fun, fascinating—and frustrating at times. In Researching Entrepreneurship one of the most highly recognized …
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This book provides the first in-depth analysis of the topic, offering an international comparison of credit reporting systems. Coverage includes competition in information markets, the microeconomics of information and privacy, and economic incentives to disclose or to conceal information. The...
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"In this updated edition, author Nicola Jentzsch provides an in-depth analysis of the economics and regulation of financial privacy. You get a comparative overview of credit reporting systems in the US and in the 27 member states of the European Union. This is the ""most in-depth study of the...
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