Showing 1 - 10 of 15
check-off programs for funding commodity marketing programs that would separately fund the minimum administrative capacity … and the more costly full marketing program. In these mechanisms, even if a funding shortfall occurs for the full marketing …
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This research shows that the existing literature on milk marketing orders misses an important effect. Previous work … ignores the interaction of marketing orders with milk grading regulation. We model this interaction and show that producer … benefits from marketing orders have been smaller than previous work suggests, and, under some conditions, may even be negative …
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High increases in media advertising costs have caused a shift away from generic advertising to other promotional activities. A relatively new retail-level promotional activity is the Dairy Case Management Program aimed at improving the management, appearance, and operation of the dairy case. An...
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Many commodities have programs assessing producers for generic advertising. Ads such as "Got Milk?" and the "Incredible Edible Egg" are a public good for producers. Most of these programs originally used the Voluntary Contribution Mechanism, but have now become mandatory because of free-riding....
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Previous constant-parameter demand models have estimated generic advertising elasticities for cheese to be below that for fluid milk. We relax this assumption, allowing for generic advertising response to vary over time. Cheese advertising elasticities were found below fluid milk up until the...
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Given the uncertain legal status of generic advertising programs for agricultural commodities, alternative voluntary funding institutions are investigated hat could provide a high level of benefits to producers. This experimental study simulates key economic and psychological factors that affect...
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We develop a multi-market equilibrium displacement model that allows for demand linkages (substitutes or complements) across downstream product markets, and supply linkages through the common use of a raw commodity as the key input. Applying the model to the dairy sector, we find that the...
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The dominant trend in U.S. non-alcoholic consumption over the past two decades has been a steady increase in soft-drink consumption, largely at the expense of milk and coffee and tea consumption. Our analysis suggests that the primary factors affecting this is that the price, advertising, and...
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