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Abstract: This paper examines the factors that influence earned income of organic farmers given their decisions to engage in local selling. The model explicitly accounts for the sorting of producers across different levels of commitment to local sales on the basis of both observable and...
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We develop measures of technical and allocative efficiency of producers in marketing certified organic products. A …
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We test the likelihood of expansion for six market sectors based on the similarities between counties with and counties without organic markets. Results indicate that sales projections are overstated. Growth imbalance will continue to favor the West and North Central regions over the South and...
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For organic food to reach the average consumer will require greater penetration into conventional supermarkets. Product placement can be expanded into more stores by altering attitudes that lower the probability of selling organic foods. This study identified significant factors in the retail...
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A bivariate probit model was used to examine the relationship between actual and intended purchase of irradiated beef. The likelihood ratio test rejected the equality of parameters affecting actual and intended purchase decisions. Actual purchases were affected by package labels and appearance,...
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This paper estimates the impact of generic and brand advertising on the demand for peanut butter in the U.S. An error correction model is estimated with quarterly data from 1985 to 2004 to study both the short- and long-run adjustments. The results indicate that brand advertising has a...
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n the paper, we study price transmission from wholesale peanut prices to retail peanut butter prices. Using monthly data since 1984, we show that, while an increase in peanut prices is almost immediately transferred to peanut butter prices, it takes several months for a price decrease to be...
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The elimination of the marketing quota system that regulated the peanut market since the 1930s has been accompanied by … the emergence of marketing contracts between farmers and peanut buyers (mainly peanut shellers). Two types of contracts … the main role of the contracts is to replace the marketing structure existing prior the 2002 Farm Act, where peanut …
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