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The paper examines the incentives of Governments to introduce green taxes instead of emission licenses. We take into account the fact that licenses are durable goods, and distinguish Governements that may have fiscal goals as well as ecological ones. Taxes solve the credibility problem a...
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This paper deals with EU-Directive 89/552/EEC "Television Without Frontiers", which enables each EU-country to set up a list of major events that are not allowed to be transmitted in Pay-TV. We analyze this kind of regulation using instruments of game-theory and monopoly-theory. We compare the...
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Ind ividual moral hazard engendered by health insurance and monopolistic production are both typical phenomena of drug markets. We develop a simple model containing these two elements and evaluate the market equilibrium on the basis of consumer and social welfare. The consumer welfare criterion...
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While Myanmar responded early and decisively to the COVID-19 pandemic thereby limiting adverse health impacts, evidence from the Myanmar COVID-19 Monitoring Platform shows that impacts on households’ welfare were significant. Border movement restrictions starting in February and a complete...
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This report uses new measures of extreme weather and methodologies to gauge their welfare effects. A myriad of methodological issues and data constraints plague empirical work on the effects of extreme weather events on human welfare. The shocks themselves are often poorly measured and the lack...
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