Showing 1 - 10 of 90
Our initial findings indicate that GM crops do not contribute to the decline of traditional family farms. We make a significant methodological impact by using the within transformation to remove unobserved individual effects and demonstrate that the within transformation results in ML estimates...
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Understanding consumer response to food safety information is important for quantifying consumer response to food safety events, predicting market impacts, and developing appropriate risk communication strategies. In this study, we present a methodology for analysis of consumer response to media...
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This paper represents the first case study attempt to develop a transaction cost conceptual model to describe industry evolution of the paper and lumber industries in the Southern United States around the late 1800s and early 1900s. We use transaction cost theory to explain the co-evolution of...
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We estimate both averting behavior and stated preferences about water quality improvements in the southeastern Anatolian region using reduced form equations. The model reveals that income, education, perception about water features, household living conditions, regional variables are only...
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This paper presents a Bayesian alternative to Generalized Maximum Entropy (GME) and Generalized Cross Entropy (GCE) methods for deriving solutions to econometric models represented by underdetermined systems of equations. For certain types of econometric model specifications, the Bayesian...
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The primary objective of this paper is to estimate behavioural parameters of the quadratic regional supply models in the modelling system CAPRI, using the time series data in the CAPRI database. A secondary objective is to replace the constant yields of the original model by functions that...
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This study describes and compares cow-calf operations and assesses their relative competitiveness, developing performance measures for a sample of U.S. farms. We find that larger operations tend to be significantly more scale and technically efficient than smaller operations. However, we do not...
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In this article, it is shown how the parameters of a transport model can be estimated in a way that, in contrast to previously used methods, utilizes observations of regional prices as well as of trade costs. The proposed method uses bi-level programming to minimize a weighted least squares...
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Some suggest that land application of phosphorus rich poultry litter has negatively affected area waters' recreational value. However, key data are unavailable to conduct thorough economic analysis to aid in policy development. This paper examines the challenges associated with using limited...
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The main objective of this study is to measure consumer preferences for information sources on food safety along with the factors influencing the degree of consumer preferences in Turkey. The data were obtained from a survey of 385 consumers selected randomly in Izmir, Turkey. This study...
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